I just got a delivery of two books about blogging for a roundup review I'm writing for the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA). (I'll post the review here, too.)
I love blogging, but maybe I don't do it as often as I should. Actually, I'm not convinced that I should be blogging to some set schedule. When I write blog posts on assignment for other people or magazines, I meet my deadlines of course.
But for my blog? I post when it makes sense.
How often you blog probably depends on who you are and why you blog. If you even do it at all ...
As a fitness writer and presenter, I encourage fitness pros to use social media like blogging for marketing purposes.
"Just do it!" I say. "Start a blog!" People get overwhelmed though.
OK, then think of it as being a bit like exercise. (If you're a fitness pro and you're like me, you probably really enjoy relating most things back to exercise.)
You wouldn't tell a fitness client to exercise ONLY if he or she could absolutely, positively do it the recommended 4-5 times a week, would you? Isn't 2-3 times a week better than just not working out, ever?
So that's what I think when I start getting down on myself for not logging onto Blogger more often. I might only blog once a month sometimes. But it still beats not even bothering to have a blog at all.
What do you think? Is blogging like exercise in that you should just do it when you can, or should you commit to doing it at set times even if you don't feel like it?